A tribute that all the seafaring villas celebrate in order to obtain the protection of the Virgin of the Carmen is the accomplishment of the Maritime Procession. That consists in which if go up the image of the Virgin in a vessel and give a turn for the Estuary of Corme and Laxe, the rest of they follow it vessels with the objective of accompanying it and this way honoring it, once situated in the middle of the estuary, it´s honored the memory of the shipwrecked sailors throwing several bouquets and crowns of flowers.
when finishing off the Maritime Procession, the sailors who took part in the Shipwreck, will go barefoot the Virgin taking the Church on the shoulders of turn

This tradition saw itself truncated in 2008 because of the introduction of the new norm of safety established for Ministry of Promotion according to Real Decree 62/2008 of the Regulation of the maritime safety conditions in the sea applicable to the Nautical Concentrations Conmemorative Character. The port of Laxe, was in 2009 the 1st port in all Spain in comply with the Norm, being a self-respect and a privilege to be able to act as example for the rest of the Ports.

Laxe Maritime Procession is distinguished by the means used by the Organization of the event, providing life jackets to all participants and providing a gateway with the aim to facilitate the loading and unloading of the visitors to avoid possible risks
In order to get a good organization, we have the cooperation of the
Conservatoire of the Sea Ports of Galicia, Red Cross, City of Laxe: Local Police and Civil Protection.
Appreciating the cooperation and participation of all of them, without which there would be the proper organization of this event.